ASD Consultation

ASD Service Overview

根据美国疾控中心CDC 发布,在美国每44名儿童就有一名落在自闭症谱系,已成为严重的公共卫生问题。本自闭症中心是由自闭症专家孔学君教授及其团队,以实证医学及前沿研究成果为基础, 尤其是微生物学,基因学,免疫学,及人工智能等领域,对自闭症患者进行全面医学评估及共病评估,寻求针对性的最有效治疗手段,制定出个体化的医疗方案,并配合特色中医诊疗,使自闭症患者的可逆性致病因素得以医治及最大程度康复,挖掘其潜能及特长与主流社会接轨并成为可用之材以造福人类。服务项目如下:

According to CDC release, 1/44 US children is suffered from ASD, which has become a serious public health concern. This center led by Prof. Xuejun Kong, MD and her team, dedicates comprehensive medical evaluation consultation for ASD and its co-morbidities based on frontier research evidence, particularly in the areas of microbiome, genomics, immunology and digital medicine, uniquely apply east meets west approach to identify the most appropriate treatment strategies for each individual patient, aim to achieve maximal treatment and rehab outcome of this population and beyond, such as Prada-Willi Syndrome. The services include the following:

Medical consultation for ASD and co-morbidities

TCM consultation/east meets west approach

Diet consultation and supplements

Genetic interpretation and consultation

Microbiome interpretation and consultation

Imaging interpretation and consultation

Immunology evaluation and consultation

Digital medicine and AI consultation

Early screening consultation

Adult transition consultation











Xue-Jun (June) Kong, M.D. Principal Investigator and Director of Synapse Autism program at Mass General Hospital, Principal Investigator and Attending Physician at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Assistant Professor of Harvard Medical School. She leads her Autism research team, the research projects involve ASD microbiome and genomic study, biomarkers, autonomic dysfunction, eye-tracking, and brain imaging, non-invasive brain stimulation, drug clinical trials, aiming better understanding the etiology, early detection, clinical subgrouping, evidence based and target treatments of ASD, filed file patents as inventor or co-inventor, one of them was licensed to industry. She proposed and modified ASD primary care model and extensive medical evaluation protocol, also established east meets west protocol for ASD as a certified medical acupuncturist. In addition, she chairs American Chinese Medical Exchange Society, International Medicine Transformation (IMT) Initiative, and To Cure Autism Institute, she also serves as Editor-in-Chief of “North American Journal of Medicine & Science” and “North American Journal of Medicine & Health”.  Dr. Kong published more than 50 peer reviewed articles and 6 autism special issues, translated “Frontiers in Autism Research -New Horizons for Diagnosis and Treatment” into Chinese (591000 words) published by People’s Medical Publishing House, China 2017, ISBN 978-7-117-24470-I/R.24471 and “The autism revolution, whole body strategies for making life all it can be” into Chinese (163131words) published by People’s Medical Publishing House, China 2015 and she has been an international speaker. She leads several ongoing ASD research projects beside her clinical and educational activities.

孔学君医师, 哈佛医学院麻省总医院Martinos中心课题主任,Synapse自闭症项目主任及PI,哈佛医学院贝斯以色列医院内科临床医师及精神科PI,哈佛医学院助理教授,美中医学交流协会会长,治愈自闭症研究所所长。孔医师毕业于北京医科大学医学系本科及研究生院,先后在北医第一附院及麻州大学医学院附属医院完成内科住院医师训练,并在塔芙兹医学院新英侖医学中心完成博士后研究,从事自由基及SOD研究多年。 1997年住院医毕业,后一直在哈佛医学院附属医院从事临床,教学及科研工作近年担任课题主任专注于自闭症研究并建立了自闭症专业门诊,创立个体化自闭症医学评估方案,并提出自闭症全科整体医疗模式,致力于循证医学为基础的自闭症诊疗,科研及康复,并作为认证的美国医生针灸师开展中西医结合,建立东西方融合自闭症方案。她领衔Synapse自闭症研究中心,研究课题包括肠道微生物,自主神经功能,眼动,影像,基因,早筛及多项临床试验,并作为发明人申请五项专利,其中一项已经转化。多年来组织自闭症国际论坛,发表自闭症学术专刊共6期及50多篇学术论文并近期申报两项专利,她主译了“自闭症研究前沿”及 “自闭症革命” 由人民卫生出版社出版。担任多杂志审稿,应邀国际讲演及领衔多点合作课题, 她多年来致力于主持大量涉及中美交流,学术会议,科研合作的组织工作。她也是CDC麻州自闭症早筛行动委员会成员之一。

Charles Wang, PhD

Dr. Wang received his bachelor’s in physics from Peking University, his master’s in physics from Tsinghua University, his PhD in Chemistry from Boston University, he also did academic research in MIT and Chinese Academy of Science. He worked as senior software engineer in two international software companies, he founded two medical journal and serves as production editor, he is also a board member of American Chinese Medical Exchange Society. For the last 10 years, he has been devoted to ASD research and gift education, he is an experienced and reputed educator and researcher.


Raymond Wang, BS in Math

Mr. Raymond Wang is an autistic savant, he received his Bachelor of Science (BS) in math from Umass-Lowell and current a graduate student in math and research intern at MGH.  He was labeled as a math genius since his childhood. At age 3, he was able to instantly find the relations of (1+x)2 among a series of random numbers. At age 6, he could tell which day of the week in any given day in a matter of seconds and figure out the computer admin codes. At age 8, he mastered sine, cosine and tangent while playing with the calculator. At age 13, he was indulged in number theory, learned linear algebra and number theory. In his junior year, he finished two AP courses (calculus and C++) with A+ in two months. His SAT Math was almost full score, and he was accepted by 5 Universities. He got A+ for his college number theory course, he was able to pick up some outstanding errors of number theory textbook written by his professor, the professor was quite impressed and confirmed that he was correct. He finished his most math major related courses the first two years of his college. Math and computing have been his passion and talent. He loves mathematics, because it is black and white, right or wrong, he can enjoy the fun of mastering and controlling the truth, only one answer, simple! Someone ask him how he can do speed calculation of telling calendar, he has his own way to calculate, and his way to remember, his root memory is extremely good, and they also come as pictures, like some people, too, his visual processing faster than his auditory processing, he often feels that it is easier to write than to speak out.

Music and art are his other talents. At age 18 months, he mastered numbered musical notation. At the age of 3, he was able to play the melody immediately after listening to a piece of music. He like singing and he is good at it. He performed solo at Jordan Hall and other musical halls and won praise. Singing is a better way to express himself than usual language, he can make new songs with his daily events; He also make his paintings of his own style and have attended a few art exhibitions in Boston.  He likes to use strong colors and strokes to describe something in his dreams or imaginations.

More importantly, Raymond has been participating Autism research at MGH as a research assistant under Professor Ken Kwong, he has been responsible for autism eye tracking data analysis using R and Python. The works involve imaging process, programing, prediction model design, statistics, paper writing. The works led a patent application as a major contributor, was granted as a co-Inventor. He also has been working as a math tutor teaching high school or college students, teaches software class Python and Metlab, involved in curriculum development for Robotics programing, designing and deep learning in a robotic program.

王睿萌,自闭症天才,麻州大学数学系学士毕业,在读数学系研究生。他从小就是数学天才,三岁时,他在一系列(看似)随机的数字里能够很快找出它们的数学关系是 (1+X)^2 关系,六岁时,别人随便问他一个年月日的时间,他就能在几秒钟之内告诉那是星期几。

八岁时,他就在玩计算器时掌握了正弦、余弦 和 切线等三角函数。十三岁时,他就沉迷于数论中, 做证明题,研究线性代数及数论。他在高中的三年级时,完成了两门AP课程(微积分和C++计算机程序),得了A+,只用了两个月时间。高考SAT的数学成绩几近满分,被5所大学的数学系录取。数学和计算一直是他的钟爱和天分。大学期间两年就完成大部分数学主课,数论是A+,数论教授编写的专著他挑出几个错教授对他大加赞许,他几次荣上校长荣誉榜,优异成绩毕业被本校数学系录取到研究生院。近两年他已经在上学业余做数学老师,教授及辅导中学生大学生及成人的数学课及编程课;并在麻省总医院做了研究助理,主攻自闭症眼动数据分析,他创造性使用数学模型贡献一项发明,对于诊断自闭症具有临床意义,此项成果正在作为共同发明人申请专利。他还在机器人学校任教并在BrainCo公司实习过。另外,他在音乐及绘画方面也是极具天赋,多次在音乐会表演并参加画展。

Sherman TCM

Sherman Xuemin Kong, oriental medical doctor, attended and finished Weifang Medical School in China, certified and licensed in acupuncture and Tui-Na in China, worked in Department of TCM of Weifang People’s Hospital before he came to US 10 years ago. He has been a licensed massage therapist for the last 10 years in US, he practices therapeutic massage, acupressure, Chinese Tui-Na, and Reflexology, benefited symptomatic control for pain control, ASD and other deconditioning presentations, promote internal healing process and resilience.  The services include:


Chinese Tui-Na for adult and children

Reflexology of hands and feet

TCM nutrition and rehab consult

Vagal stimulation and TENS








Make an appointment: [email protected]  or a calendar

预约 [email protected]  or [email protected]

Stool Megagenomic Testing

Stool metagenomic test is the emerging and advanced study of microbes in the collected stool samples for DNA extraction and Metagenomics sequencing analysis to check both microbiome composition (including bacteria, fungus, virus) and genetic functional/metabolic profiles. It’s a more advanced microbiome study than 16s and provide direct genetic function and not limited by 16s region. There has been more and more evidence indicated that ASD is a systemic, inflammatory condition and Microbiome disruption may be a key culprit of systemic inflammation and Autism is associated with altered gut microbiome.

We improve autism by changing the gut microbiome; The more we know the specific changes of microbiome in ASD individuals, the more personalized and beneficial intervention be developed. We will provide a detailed report for microbiome relative abundance, network co-occurrence, potential pathogenic bacteria, fungus and virus, functional genes, metabolic changes, and association with clinical phenotypes. Our treatment suggestions will include diet, supplement, and drug intervention plan.

If you are interested in the test, please send request to [email protected]

We will send to you a stool collection kit with detailed instruction, you will collect your stool sample at home and send back to us, the report will mail to you in about 3 weeks. After you received the report, you could book a consultation for interpretation if needed.

大便宏基因检测,可以提供更精准的微生物检测,不同于16S,宏基因可以检测细菌,真菌,病毒在肠道的组成,还可以直接测定检测代谢产物及功能状态。是目前最为先进的微生物测定方法。很多研究表明自闭症和系统炎症密切相关,而肠道菌群是系统炎症的关键。自闭症患者的肠道菌群是有特征性改变的,改变肠道菌群可以改变自闭症表型。我们通过越是精准的测定肠道菌群的变化,我们越能制定更加个体化的更有效的干预方案。我们的宏基因检测可以报告菌群多样性,网络连接性,相对丰度,潜在致病菌,功能基因及代谢改变,与表型关系等,治疗建议包括饮食,药物及其他针对核心症状及合并的相关症状, 益生菌的个体方案。

如果您对这项测试感兴趣,您可以[email protected]


Genomic Testing

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder with strong genetic influences. There is an increasing demand for ASD genetic testing beyond the traditionally recommended microarray and syndromic autism testing. however, the current whole genome sequencing (WGS) and whole exome sequencing (WES) methods are lacking an academic standard for WGS variant annotation, reporting, and interpretation, tailored towards patients with ASD and offer very limited interpretation for clinical significance. Using WGS data from six family trios, we demonstrate the clinical feasibility and technical implementation of an evidence-based, fully transparent bioinformatics pipeline and report framework for an ASD-focused WGS genetic report. We confirmed a portion of the key variants with Sanger sequencing and provided interpretation with consideration of patients’ clinical symptoms and detailed literature review. Furthermore, we showed that identification of the genetic contributions of ASD core symptoms and comorbidities may promote a better understanding of the ASD pathophysiology, lead to early detection of associated comorbidities, and facilitate pharmacologic intervention based on pathological pathways inferred from the genetic information.

If you are interested in our service, you could send a request by email [email protected] for WGS or WES, or send your report or data for our review, we could offer interpretation service, we will provide WGS-based genetic report with clinical significance, and recommendations for next steps.

Reference: Huang, J.; Liu, J.; Tian, R.; Liu, K.; Zhuang, P.; Sherman, H.T.; Budjan, C.; Fong, M.; Jeong, M.-S.; Kong, X.-J. A Next Generation Sequencing-Based Protocol for Screening of Variants of Concern in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Cells 2022,11,10. 10.3390/cells11010010


如果您对此有兴趣,可以[email protected],可以送检全基因检测,或者把已有结果发送,申请我们的解读咨询。谢谢您的关注。

参考文献: Huang, J.; Liu, J.; Tian, R.; Liu, K.; Zhuang, P.; Sherman, H.T.; Budjan, C.; Fong, M.; Jeong, M.-S.; Kong, X.-J. A Next Generation Sequencing-Based Protocol for Screening of Variants of Concern in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Cells 2022,11,10. 10.3390/cells11010010

Gift Education

ASD gift identification and development

Do you know? ASD individuals could be from severe disability to superior ability; About 10% ASD are genius, only 1% in general population. ASD can bring individual strengths along with special abilities in the following areas:

  • Strong memory skills.
  • Strong math skill.
  • Strong three-dimensional thinking.
  • Strong musical ability.
  • Strong artistic ability.
  • Strong computer skills.
  • Excellent in animal science or farming.
  • Extreme honesty.
  • Strong ability to intensely focus on an interest.

How to identify ASD’s talents?

  • A. History of growth and development
  • B. High-volume-screening to determine potentials
  • C. Novel protocol
  • D. Group evaluation
  • E. Special high tech-based analysis: HD-EEG

Our services:

ASD gift evaluation

ASD gift development

Tutoring service, math, computer, AI, art and music

Counselling for college, job, dating and independent living.



  • 超强记忆
  • 数学才能
  • 三维思维
  • 音乐才能
  • 艺术才能
  • 计算机超强
  • 动物科学及农业
  • 特别的诚实
  • 对于感兴趣的事物的专注


  • 成长史
  • 高强度筛查
  • 创新性流程
  • 集体评估
  • 特殊高科技技术比如高密度脑电波






PWS consultation

Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) is a rare genetic disorder associated with developmental delay, short statue, obesity, and neuropsychiatric comorbidities. As a syndromic ASD, studies suggest that the prevalence of ASD in PWS ranges from 12.7% to 40%. This center led by Prof. Xuejun Kong, MD and her team, dedicates comprehensive medical evaluation consultation for PWS and its co-morbidities based on frontier research evidence, particularly in the areas of microbiome, genomics, immunology and digital medicine, uniquely apply east meets west approach to identify the most appropriate treatment strategies for each individual patient, aim to achieve maximal treatment and rehab outcome of this population. The services include the following:

小胖威力是一种罕见的基因病,表现发育迟缓,矮小,肥胖,神经精神共病。它是综合征性自闭症的一种,其自闭症发病率高达12.7%至40%。 本中心是由孔学君教授及其团队,以实证医学及前沿研究成果为基础, 尤其是微生物学,基因学,免疫学,及人工智能等领域,对小胖威力患者进行全面医学评估及共病评估,寻求针对性的最有效治疗手段,制定出个体化的医疗方案,并配合特色中医诊疗,使小胖威力患者的可逆性致病因素得以医治及最大程度康复,挖掘其潜能及特长与主流社会接轨并成为可用之材以造福人类。服务项目如下:

Medical consultation for PWS and co-morbidities

TCM consultation/east meets west approach

Diet consultation and supplements

Genetic interpretation and consultation

Microbiome interpretation and consultation

Imaging interpretation and consultation

Immunology evaluation and consultation

Digital medicine and AI consultation

Early screening consultation

Adult transition consultation











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