PWS Consultation

Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) is a rare genetic disorder associated with developmental delay, short statue, obesity, and neuropsychiatric comorbidities. As a syndromic ASD, studies suggest that the prevalence of ASD in PWS ranges from 12.7% to 40%. This center led by Prof. Xuejun Kong, MD and her team, dedicates comprehensive medical evaluation consultation for PWS and its co-morbidities based on frontier research evidence, particularly in the areas of microbiome, genomics, immunology and digital medicine, uniquely apply east meets west approach to identify the most appropriate treatment strategies for each individual patient, aim to achieve maximal treatment and rehab outcome of this population. The services include the following:

小胖威利是一种罕见的基因病,表现发育迟缓,矮小,肥胖,神经精神共病。它是综合征性自闭症的一种,其自闭症发病率高达12.7%至40%。 本中心是由孔学君教授及其团队,以实证医学及前沿研究成果为基础, 尤其是微生物学,基因学,免疫学,及人工智能等领域,对小胖威力患者进行全面医学评估及共病评估,寻求针对性的最有效治疗手段,制定出个体化的医疗方案,并配合特色中医诊疗,使小胖威力患者的可逆性致病因素得以医治及最大程度康复,挖掘其潜能及特长与主流社会接轨并成为可用之材以造福人类。服务项目如下:

Medical consultation for PWS and co-morbidities

TCM consultation/east meets west approach

Diet consultation and supplements

Genetic interpretation and consultation

Microbiome interpretation and consultation

Imaging interpretation and consultation

Immunology evaluation and consultation

Digital medicine and AI consultation

Early screening consultation

Adult transition consultation











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References 相关资讯